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Testing testing testing
Jeff Brown | Mon Feb 5 2024 | Testing testing testing

Testing testing testing

Revolutionizing Space Exploration
Jeff Brown | Thu Sep 7 2023 | Bleeding Edge

Overview of the Falcon 9 project Importance of the project in space exploration and commercialisation Recap of the Falcon 9 Project's Impact on space exploration Potential...

Redefining Currency: How Time Banking Offers Fresh Perspective...
Jeff Brown | Sat Aug 12 2023 | Bleeding Edge

In a world where time is often considered the most valuable asset, the people turning time into a currency are changing the game.

ChatGPT's 'Custom Instructions' Now Available to All Users!
Jeff Brown | Sat Aug 12 2023 | Bleeding Edge

AI: whether you're a teacher shaping lessons, a developer crafting code, a homemaker planning meals, or someone seeking a touch of humour, this...

The Red Dragon
Jeff Brown | Tue Jul 18 2023 | Bleeding Edge

Data out on Monday confirmed that China's economy lost its magic last quarter.

US Inflation Got Another Chop
Jeff Brown | Sat Jul 15 2023 | Bleeding Edge

US inflation came in under expectations - fueling hopes that interest rates might be nearing the end of their climb….